How to effectively train your team

Is your team not performing as well as you’d like? 

If not, it might be time to invest some time and money in training them. 

You see for most businesses, training is ad hoc or doesn’t happen at all. 

This means that training is ineffective and your team is not performing at the level they could. 

So what can you do instead? 

Here are four key strategies to make your training more effective: 

1) Be Intentional 

Be really, really clear about on the areas of competence you want your team to be trained in. Without a clear understanding of what excellence looks like, it’s challenging to determine the necessary training to achieve it. Set clear objectives for the level of performance you are after. 

2) Recognise Learning Styles 

People have different learning styles—some are visual, some auditory, and others kinaesthetic. Tailor your training methods to accommodate these different styles. Depending on the nature of your industry and depending on the individual, they are going to learn better based on their style. Whether through visual aids, podcasts, or hands-on activities, align your training with how individuals learn best to maximise your training investment.  

3) Learn from the Best 

Find out where is the best training and have your team do some training from that provider.  This could be someone in house or outsourced.  Remember, quality training produces quality results, so do not half-bake it. Don’t train just to get it off of your to-do list. Invest in high-quality training programs to ensure your team receives the best education, resulting in improved skills and competencies. 

4) Review Effectiveness 

Set a baseline before training and assess the effectiveness of your training afterward. By setting a clear standard, you can compare their performance before and after the training. Put a regular review in place to check if there is an improvement in productivity, skills, and/or knowledge. Even better, look for training programs that offer measurable shifts in effectiveness, ensuring a solid return on your training investment. 

So remember, by being intentional, accommodating learning styles, learning from the best, and regularly reviewing training effectiveness, you can create a highly productive and efficient team. 

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